

ESR   Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Methods:  a. Wintrobes b. Westergren Vial :          Lavender top ( EDTA ) Volume:    2 ml normal range:  male         0 to 15 mm/hr female      0 to 20 mm/hr Theory: The RBCs sediment because their density is greater than that of plasma,    resulting in their coming together to form large aggregates known as rouleaux . What is an ESR test used for? The ESR test can also be used to monitor infection and inflammatory diseases . The ESR test can be used to help your healthcare provider to diagnose conditions that cause inflammation, such as: Arthritis Systemic Vasculitis Inflammatory bowel disease Kidney diseases Infection Autoimmune diseases Heart diseases C ertain cancers SEND MESSAGE Call: 95 8210 8290


 CRM ( CARDIAC RISK MARKERS ) Cardiac Risk Markers Profile estimates the levels of cardiac risk markers in the body, which help in evaluating the functioning of the heart. The test also evaluates lipids in the body,  Abnormal levels of which can lead to heart attacks or other severe heart conditions.  The Cardiac Risk Markers Profile is helpful to individuals who have a family history of cardiac disease or where there is an increase in the prevalence of cardiac disease at a young age. Early diagnosis of cardiac disorder can help in the overall prognosis. Cardiac risk markers are blood tests that predict the occurrence of coronary heart disease.  High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP),  Apolipoprotein A-1,  Apolipoprotein B,  APOB/ APO A1 RATIO and  Lipoprotein (A) totals. Homocysteine Factors that put you at a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases are cardiac risk factors, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking are three key risk factors for heart disease. These risk


number of Tests: 94 AAROGYAM C PLUS PACKAGE Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) HbA1c (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) Avarage Blood Sugar Vitamin B12 Vitamin D Total HS CRP TESTOSTERONE SODIUM CHLORIDE Iron profile Serum Iron Transferrin Saturation Tocal Iron Binding Capacity UIBC Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, us-TSH)(TFT) Thyroxine (T4) Triiodothyronine (T3) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone-Ultrasensitive (TSH) Liver Function Test (LFT) Albumin Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Gamma Glutaryl Transferase (GGT) Proteins Alanine Transaminase (SGPT (ALT) Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SCOT) Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin-indirect Albumin/Globulin Ratio Bilinibin Total Globulin SGOT/SGPT Ratio Lipid Profile LOL Cholestrol direct Total Cholesterol  HDL cholestrol Triglycerides  Serum VLDL cholestrol  LOL/HOL ratio TC/HDL cholesterol Ratio Non HDL cholesterol HDLY LDL cholesterol Ratio TRIG/HDL Ratio Renal Kidney Function Test (RFT/KFT) Uric Acid Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)/Serum Urea Calcium (Ca) Creatinine EGFR BUN/Creatinine

Vitamin D 25 OH

  Vitamin D 25 hydroxy calciferol 25 hydroxy is the vitamin D that your own body has made or that you absorbed from an animal source (such as fatty fish or liver) or a cholecalciferol supplement. Normal range: 20 to 70 ng/mL A lower -than-normal level can be due to a vitamin D deficiency, which can result from: Lack of skin exposure to sunlight, darkly pigmented skin, or consistent use of high-SPF sunscreen Lack of enough vitamin D in the diet Liver and kidney diseases Poor food absorption Use of certain medicines, including phenytoin, phenobarbital, and rifampin Poor vitamin D absorption due to advanced age, weight-loss surgery, or conditions in which fat is not absorbed well Price Range : 500₹ to 1500₹ BOOK NOW


  Sodium  Potassium  Chloride What Does the Serum Electrolyte Test Measure and Who is it Prescribed to? The Serum Electrolyte Test measures the levels of three electrolytes: Chloride, Sodium and Potassium. A doctor may recommend a Serum Electrolyte Test if a person shows the following symptoms: Irregular heartbeat Fatigue Fast heart rate Convulsions or seizures Nausea Dehydration Vomiting Diarrhoea or constipation Muscle cramps Acid-base imbalance Lethargy Confusion Muscle weakness Headaches Numbness and tingling Some conditions for which a Serum Electrolyte Test can be prescribed are: Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) Kidney diseases Lung diseases Heart conditions You may also be recommended to take the Serum Electrolyte Test if you have been prescribed medications such as diuretics (water pills) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors used to treat high blood pressure. These medications can cause fluctuations in your electrolyte levels. The results of your electrolyte panel test c


Hemogram 💉Hemogram is a panel of tests which includes Complete blood count (CBC) and Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).   💉It measures several components and features of your blood like : Red blood cells which carry oxygen. White blood cells which fight infection. Hemoglobin the oxygen carrying protein in red blood cells. Hematocrit proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component or plasma in your blood. Platelets which help with blood clotting.  🔬 Abnormal increases or decreases in cell counts as revealed in a Complete blood count may indicate that you have an underlying medical condition that calls for further evaluation.  This test also helps to monitor a known medical condition.  ESR is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body but cannot pinpoint where the problem is, as it is an prognostic test.   List of the Tests in Hemogram:  Hb is 14–17.5 g/dL (males), 12.3–15.3 g/dL (females) RBC count is 4.5–5.9 x 10^6 (males), 4.5–5.1 x 10^6 (female


 C Reactive protein A C-reactive protein (CRP) test measures the level of C-reactive protein — a protein made by your liver — in your blood. Your liver releases CRP into your bloodstream in response to inflammation. When your body encounters an offending agent (like viruses, bacteria or toxic chemicals) or you have an injury, it activates your immune system. Your immune system sends out its first responders: inflammatory cells and cytokines. These cells begin an inflammatory response to trap bacteria and other offending agents or start healing injured tissue. The result can be pain, swelling, bruising or redness . But inflammation also affects body systems you can’t see, such as your joints. You normally have low levels of CRP in your blood. Moderately to severely elevated levels may be a sign of a serious infection or other inflammatory condition. Why do healthcare providers perform CRP tests? Healthcare providers typically order a C-reactive protein (CRP) test to help diagnose or ru