•  Sodium 
  • Potassium 
  • Chloride

What Does the Serum Electrolyte Test Measure and Who is it Prescribed to?

The Serum Electrolyte Test measures the levels of three electrolytes: Chloride, Sodium and Potassium.

A doctor may recommend a Serum Electrolyte Test if a person shows the following symptoms:

Irregular heartbeat


Fast heart rate

Convulsions or seizures




Diarrhoea or constipation

Muscle cramps

Acid-base imbalance



Muscle weakness


Numbness and tingling

Some conditions for which a Serum Electrolyte Test can be prescribed are:

Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)

Kidney diseases

Lung diseases

Heart conditions

You may also be recommended to take the Serum Electrolyte Test if you have been prescribed medications such as diuretics (water pills) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors used to treat high blood pressure. These medications can cause fluctuations in your electrolyte levels.

The results of your electrolyte panel test can also indicate if ongoing treatment is working for you. For example, in the case of kidney disorders, an electrolyte serum test will help the doctor assess the kidney’s functioning.

A Serum Electrolyte Test helps measure the electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium and Chloride) and gives an overview of the acid-base levels in your blood. This test can help diagnose several problems related to nutrition, kidney disease or heart problems.

The test is prescribed for people who complain of symptoms such as weakness, confusion, irregular heartbeat or dehydration.


There is no preparation needed to take the Serum Electrolyte Test. You can drink and eat as usual before taking the test.

Price: 399 Rs.

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